Togo Approves National Strategy for Greater Access to Educational Resources


Togo has approved a national strategy to improve access to educational resources, specifically textbooks and teaching aids for students and schools. The strategy was adopted on September 27 at the University of Lomé during a workshop with education experts, technical partners, and associations.

Supported by UNESCO, the strategy aims to address the shortage of quality educational materials in Togo. The strategy includes plans to integrate digital technology into teaching resources, as well as a financial framework for producing and distributing textbooks.

Kodjo Koba Dagbedji, representing the Minister of Primary and Secondary Education, stated that this validation marks the end of a long process that began in January 2023 as part of the "Appui à la production et à la diffusion des ressources éducatives" project. This project aims to support government reforms and improve access to educational resources in schools.

Officials believe that implementing this strategy will lead to more inclusive education and better education in Togo.