WAEMU Market: Togo Raises CFA10.5 Billion in Latest Operation


Togo raised CFA10.5 billion on the WAEMU Market last Monday, Sept. 30. Lomé was CFA4.5 billion short on its target for the operation–a simultaneous issue of fungible treasury bills (BATs) and fungible treasury bonds (OATs). 

The operation report indicates that CFA8.2 billion was secured via the BATs. The securities mature over 182 and 364 days at a variable interest rate. The remaining CFA2.3 billion was secured via OATs, which have an annual interest rate of 6.15%. 

While CFA10.5 billion was retained, investors mobilized CFA18 billion for the operation. This is CFA3 billion more than the amount initially targeted.

Including this latest operation, Togo has raised CFA631 billion on the regional money market this year. The funds will help finance the country's budget for the fiscal year 2024, which balances resources and expenses at CFA2,179 billion.

Esaïe Edoh